TOEICの問題集を読んでいたら、「then, as now」というフレーズが出てきました。
調べたところ、「then, as now」は「その当時も、今回と同じように」「今と同様に、当時は」です。今と同じことが、過去にもあったという意味です。例は以下です。
Then, as now, the company announced a product as being offered for a limited time only
“then as now” (usually written “then, as now”) means “now as before” or “now like before.”
so for example, cars run on gasoline, and they also did 50 years ago. so you can say “then, as now, cars run on gasoline.”
「now as before」「now like before」と同じ意味ですね。